Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Creo en Cristo

hola hola hola!!

Another week has come and gone and I am still loving it here! There is lots and lots of walking, but it has been a very successful week with lots of contacting and lessons! We had a very successful zone activity and another baptism so I am just really feeling the Lord's hand in the work.

On Friday we had our zone activity and we went to a super busy street next to a farmer's market so we could contact more people. We had a banner with CREO en CRISTO written on it and anybody that walked passed could get their hand painted to paint their handprint on the banner if they believe in Jesus Christ. We had like over 200 people come and it was super awesome and fun!!

Olga is definitely a chosen one! She has a 16 year old daughter who has been a convert for 4 years and just started bringing her mom to church. We actually got the reference from another member in the ward and we immediately went to go visit her and she wanted to be baptized. Her baptism was so beauthiful, but everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong, but she was baptized! We had to track down someone with keys to the chapel early in the morning to fill the font. We couldn't get the baptismal font door open because those keys were with another set of keys. The font was already full when we opened it, but with cold water and it would have taken longer to empty it completely then fill it with warm water. Then we just emptied it half way and started filling it up with warm water, but the hot water wasn`t working so we started boiling water in big pots to dump into the font. Finally right after the opening of the baptism, we went to go to the font and someone had closed the door to the font and the Bishop had left with keys so we had to wait to get the keys back. In the end it all worked out and she was baptized!

It has been a fantastic week all in all and I can't imagine being anywhere else in the world! I love you all and I'm so grateful for all the love and support you have for me!

Hermana Pettijohn

1. Olga`s Baptism on Saturday!
2. actividad de zona!
3. The best ice cream I have ever had!
4. We get sunsets like this almost every night so it feels like a ittle piece of home!!

Another week in the desert!

The weeks have started to turn into months and I just absolutely love being here in Chile!! I can see the Lord´s hand in everything that happens here on the mission and how the blessings and miracles just keep coming! 

I am so incredibley grateful for all the blessings I have recieved from serving a mission and I just love love love being here and serving and loving the people.
Not much new has happened this week, but we just talk to so many people and I just love learning the language and learning about the people.

We have another baptism this weekend and I´m so excited for another crazy week here in Antofagasta!!

Hermana Pettijohn

1. Bautismo del otro semana 
2. A heckin good completo
4. Our "wonderful" companions that follow us everywhere and we really have no idea why!

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Week of Miracles

Hola Everybody!

This week has just flown by so incredibley fast and time on the mission is so weird but it´s great. This week I just hit my two months in the mission but it feels like I havn´t even been out for that long.

The first miracle this week was that I had my first baptism being out on the mission!! His name is Fransisco and him and his family were the very first house I went to on my first day getting to the mission field. His wife and daughter have been members for a few months and he finally made the decision to be baptized and they just have to wait to go to the temple! It is so amazing to see how the Gospel can change people´s lives! 

My spanish is getting a lot better so that is another miracle. I have had to learn to have a lot of patience for myself and pray that other people will have patience with me and how slow I speak but I know it will come. I have already learned so much and I know I can learn more. I have been also trying really hard to read The Book of Mormon in Spanish and I know that doing it has helped me a lot. 

I have such a wonderful ward (Cerro Moreno) and the members are so good about feeding us. I don´t do a whole lot of talking at our lunches so I eat pretty fast therefore they just keep offering me more food. So I guess I need to get better at Spanish so I don´t get fat. 

The Lord is really blessing Hermana Logan and I with so many wonderful people to be able to teach. He has prepared them recieve this message of happiness and it is such an honor and privilege to help others come into the fold of Christ, be baptized, and recieve all the promised blessings of the gospel. 

If you have any questions or just want to talk, please just shoot me an email and I would love to hear from you!     

Hermana Pettijohn

PS. Sorry no pictures this week. The computer wouldn´t let me upload them :(

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Keep on...Keepin’ on

Hey Everyone!

Just finishing up week two out here in Antofagasta and I am just loving it so much and can`t imagine being anywhere else in the world. The people are absolutely wonderful and so understanding and pacient with my Spanish. I just love teaching and testifying of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father`s plan for us. 

Second best thing here is the food! I eat so much bread and the meat here is so good. Most people here eat rice so it reminds me of home. An incredibly common condiment we use here is mayo and I have definitely had to get used to it. We eat lots of beets and potatoes too. I have to watch myself with all the sweet stuff though because it is just so good. The members of the ward do really well at feeding us a lot too. 

Funny stories of the week were getting peed on by a dog, having a dog puke on my bag while we were at a member`s house for lunch, and having dogs try and follow us onto the city bus and I actually had to drag both of the dogs off. We also have two stray dogs that live at our apartment building that follow us everywhere because the hermanas that used to live there would feed them and they cause so much trouble and bark at every dog they see but when a dog wants to fight back, the dogs hide behind us and want us to protect them. 

All in all I am absolutely in love with Chile and I know that I have been called here for so many reasons and I am doing the best I can to find out why and I how can become the best missionary I can be!

Hermana Pettijohn
1. Hermana Logan and I at my first Zone Conference
2. Went on a hike last Pday (it was super super hot!!)
3. LA PORTADA (my zone)
4. Berlin is literal heaven in the form of food (sweet bread with manjar)

Monday, February 18, 2019

El Mejor MisiĆ³n del Mundo!!

IT HAS BEEN ONE OF THE ABSOLUTE CRAZIEST WEEKS OF MY LIFE! When I got to Chile it has been nonstop working and I am absolutely loving it even though it is so hard. The mission is one of the best things I have ever done and I can´t wait to continue sharing this Gospel and message of happiness!! My companion Hermana Logan and I talk to so many people every day and it is so cool to meet so many people from different walks of life. So many great things are happening up here in Chile and I just absolutely love being here!! 
I also had the opportunity to meet two apostles this past week, Elder Cook at the CCM and Elder Renlund my first few days in the mission field. I love the prophets and apostles of the church and I am so grateful fo them and how they direct Jesus Christ´s church. I am so grateful to be here and I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and the love he has for me and you!

Hermana Pettijohn

***from Amanda***Sorry no pictures from her this week, but I have a cute screen shot from our first video chat since the church announced the changes in communication with family.

Friday, February 8, 2019

T minus 4 days


I am finally finishing my last week here at the CCM. I am so incredibly excited to be leaving Mexico and starting my new adventure on the real mission in Chile. I am also very nervous because my Spanish is not very good and people in Chile speak a different dialect so I will almost basically be starting from scratch when I get out there, but I know that as I continue studying the language, relying on the Lord, and just loving the people in Chile that I will be able to learn the language because I have already learned so much!!

I had the opportunity to go to the temple again today and it was just as amazing and beautiful as last week. I love the temple so much and I have received so many blessings from being able to go to the temple. It has brought so much peace, joy, and knowledge into my life and I am so incredibly grateful for the temple. 

My favorite scripture this week is Mosiah 28:3. I am on a mission to invite others to come unto Jesus Christ and because we are all God´s children, each and every one of us is so important to Him. I am here to do Heavenly Father´s work to save souls so they can return to live with Him again. I love this Gospel so much and I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so excited to be in Chile in less than 4 days and just share this message of happiness!!
Hermana Pettijohn 
1. Another temple trip!
2. The beautiful Mexico City Temple
3. My new scripture case!
4. Last district picture!!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Semana 5


I have had an amazing, spiritual week and I just love being out on a mission so much!!

On Tuesday we had the awesome opportunity to hear from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland in a devotional broadcasted from the Provo MTC and I absolutely loved it. He talked about being exactly obedient and the importance of the Holy Ghost and the Book of Mormon when teaching. I have always loved listening to the counsel and guidance of the apostles and prophets, but since I am on a mission I feel like it is so important to listen to what we are told. 

Today our zone got to go to the Mexico City Temple and it was such a beautiful and amazing experience! I haven´t been to the temple in a little less than 2 months, so it was so nice to go and feel the Spirit. Also we hadn´t left the CCM in the 5 weeks we have been here, so it was nice to see more of Mexico City. People in Mexico drive so crazy and lanes are not a thing here so we almost got in like 8 accidents but we survived. 

My favorite scripture this week is Mosiah 7:33. As we remember to rely on the Lord and trust in Him, our burdens will be made lighter and we will be able to serve Him and others with more diligence and desire.

I love you all very much and would love to hear from you all!
Hermana Pettijohn 
1. Mexico City Temple!
2. The Cristus
3. El Distrito
4. Las Hermanas